Hot Take: Imposter Syndrome is Sometimes Just Racism
Doubting yourself and your abilities is often called “imposter syndrome.” But could this term be misused to avoid acknowledging how decades of oppression and prejudice in professional spaces impair minority mental health and performance? In a world where biased corporate and social systems make people who identify as BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ feel like they’re taking up space and force them to prove their humanity and abilities, it’s time to recognize that imposter syndrome isn’t a problem individuals have or need to fix. It’s sometimes just racism and bias from systems that historically view BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ folx as outsiders. In online therapy and in-person sessions at Essence of Healing in California, clients are encouraged to discover, grow, and embrace their authentic selves. They're seen for who they are, not the frauds systemic racism makes them feel like or who society says they are.